Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Not Me Mondays

It was NOT ME who undercooked the corn AND potatoes yesterday.

It is NOT ME who hates when dogs lick, eat loudly, and make a mess drinking, yet has two dogs.

It's NOT ME who's three year old has tried soda.

It's NOT ME who didn't clean her bathroom last night, or for the last week.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Commisary makes me Snarky

Today, we decided we were going to the Commissary. The day went something like this...

Me... let's just take the boy with us to the grocery store

Ted..... Sounds good

We tell Zachary he has to get in the shower.

Zachary.... No! I do not want to get in the shower!

me... Want to take a shower with mommy

Zacahry... NO!

As soon as I am done, and were ready to go, Zachary gets in the shower. So we wait around for him to get done....he takes FOREVER!!! He gets done, and then Ted has to go to the bathroom. I decided to write a short novel, because this is how long we'll be waiting.
Once my novel is done were ready to go.Zachary wants to take the Tundra, so we do.

Ted... It's really raining out here

Me... well if it isn't Captain Obvious

Ted... you're in a mood

Me.... Nope, just gearing for the Commissary

The Commissary is my worst nightmare, but the food is cheap. We get to the Commissary,or what I like to call "What The Hell Where They Thinking When They Left the House" Wonderland.I swear these women really need to think before they leave the house, they're representing their husbands for crying out loud.

Just a few brief observations...

4- Women with V-neck tank tops and boobs hanging out everywhere (at least have nice boobs if you're going to do this-no I don't like boobs, but we all know there is a difference)

1- Woman with a butt load of tattoos.The tatts were not what I took issue with, her rotted out teeth were. If I had bad teeth I would spend the money on my teeth,not a tattoo. I have two tattoos which cost me a total of $500.00. With Tri-Care that goes a long way towards fixing your teeth.

2- Really dirty children. I can understand not having money for clothes, the military doesn't allows pay it's service members well, but at least you can give your child a bath.

12- People with nothing but junk food in their carts. No fruits, veggies, yogurt, water, or healthy cereal. This really irritates me because it is so prevalent in the military. The soldiers are suppose to pride themselves on health and fitness, but they eat garbage. I just don't get it!

We got done shopping.Then we went to pay for our food. The cashiers on post are MEAN!! They snap at you, aren't helpful, and act like you're interrupting their days. We get up to our "charming cashier" and she doesn't even check our I.D.'s. WTH!! We get done paying and all of our groceries are in paper bags. Remeber, it pouring outside. I ask her why our groceries are in paper bags and she says, "you have to ask for plastic bags. WTH, by the time we get to the car the bags are going to be nothing but mush. Is there a point were common freaking sense comes in to play?

This is why the Commisary make me Snarky.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thoughtful Thursdays

Tonight we went to honors night at "Arpac 1's" school. She got an award for making honor roll all year. She has also been selected to go into honors Biology, Math, and English next year.She "graduated" from junior high tonight, too.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday's

I did NOT lose "The Comp's" truck keys on Saturday.

I did NOT dig through the garbage to see if I through them away.

I did NOT pray for rain so "The Comp" would quit doing yard work for one minute.

I did NOT miss a doctors appointment on purpose.

Friday, May 15, 2009

O'Crappy Days......

Our Crappy Day........ (really gross)

The Suspects......

The Victim...

The Weapon

The Investigation

The Evidence and Trial....

The Verdict

The Victim is Repaired and Justic is served!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thoughtful Thursdays

Today was a huge day of reflection for me. We have two of "Arpac 1" friends living with us right now.Their parents have lost their jobs, which caused them to loose their home. There are people all around the nation who can't even afford to buy the basics.It breaks my heart and I just wish there was more we could do.I bought each of the girls an outfit(the clothes they do have are falling apart)and plan to buy them more clothes each pay day. Their situation has really opened my eyes to how truly blessed my family is.I know my Father in Heaven has blessed us and continues to do so daily.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kayleigh is no longer in pain....

Kayleigh, passed this world and into our Heavenly Father's loving arms. Please, lift her parents up in your prayers as they struggle to get through this difficult time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me Monday!!

It was NOT me who slept most of the weekend.

It is NOT me who is addicted to coke (the drink)!!!

It was NOT me who did not mop the floors yesterday (gotta mop at least twice weekly)

It is NOT me who keeps telling her son we can ride the roller coaster tomorrow every day. I do feel bad about this so "The Comp" is taking him somewhere special when they take "Arpac 2" to the airport.

It was NOT me who got mad at "Arpac 1" for only making corn with tonights chicken (I had my last final).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I have been blessed

This is me...

And I have been blessed......

Far more then I deserve..

My family is the greatest thing that has ever, and will ever, happen to me. I celebrate today because of who they allow me to be.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I can not believe the freaking luck I have!! I had a final in my on-line course today and my computer took a HUGE dump!! I was not able to leave work to go to another place to take the final because I work 7-6pm on Thursdays (the final was available from 6am-6pm). I am not sure what my professor is going to do, if she does anything. Without the final the best I can get in the class is a high C or a low B. I am praying for a low B. I got an A in my other two courses so this really pisses me off.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Mondays!!

It was NOT my son who picked his nose in front of a bunch of high ranking military officers!

It was NOT my son who yelled, "I have to go pee" in front of the same high ranking officers!

It was NOT my son that ate cake for breakfast!

It was NOT me who left the house with my shirt on backwards for the ceremony where the High Ranking Officers were present (yes I changed my shirt be for we got there-gotta love the Georgia middle of nowhere rodes).

I was NOT me who let her son dance around the living room with just a shirt on while he played his guitar.