Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me Monday

It was not me who thought her new Supervisor didn't know her butt from a whole in the ground.

It was not me who wanted to take her Supervisor's overly cluttered, the one I have to share, and through it out the window.

It was not me that thought it was funny when she had to re-introduce herself to the same Residents over and over again.

It's not me who is just really bitchy right now.

It's not me who doesn't want her daughter to go to Arizona:(

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me Mondays

It WAS NOT ME that ignored her blog for a week

It WAS NOT ME that got addicted to face book

It WAS NOT ME that wanted to call the pool attendant a bag of dog mess.

It WAS NOT ME who let her son eat three packet of blueberry muffins

It WAS NOT ME who shopped at Wal-mart (I morally object to Wal-mart-not very strongly, apparently).