Monday, July 13, 2009


IT WAS NOT me who gave her van to her husband with no gas in it, the gas light was on, and didn't even bother to tell him.

IT WAS NOT me who ignorantly gave her boss's child something to eat with out asking.

IT IS NOT me who wants to bitch slap my foster daughters' mom, really be a lazy mom for 14 years and then be pissed at me because I am doing a ton of stuff for them you didn't.

IT IS NOT me who has decided not to contact the girls parents, and instead just get them glasses out of my own pocket. One minute you have $125.00 and the next minute you don't have any money, and you don't know where the money went. HELL FUCKING LOW PEOPLE~~~ We have bought them new clothes, given them food and shelter, and taken them to the doctor without asking you for a damn thing. NOW you want to get pisses with us. NOPE, go fluck yourself, we don't want shit from you. We will continue to get the girls the things they need.

IT WAS NOT me who got really pissed off at one of the residents I work for/with. She was just being a butt and complaining about things that were beyond my control.

IT WAS NOT me who didn't want to go back out for laundry detergent so she has laundry (stinky, smelly, stuff) piled up in the laundry room.