Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Men are taking over my house!!!

Lego men that is. Zachary has to have close to 30 of the little guys and I am always tripping over them. He seems to lose them all the time too. I think he could have 1000 of them and it still wouldn't be enough.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Going to school

Zachary woke up late today and had a hard time getting ready.

Me: Zachary we have to get ready for school or you'll be late

Zach: (through sobs like you've never seen) I do not want to go to school. Mommy please do not make me go to school I will miss you too much.

Me. You have to go to school it's the law

Zach: will you pick me up? Can I have a roller coaster if I go to school for 8 days without crying?

Me. You can have the Lego Batman game (we always start the year on a rewards system).

Zach . Okay

Zach. When I go to sleep and get bigger can I go to your school

Me. Yes, but you have to be big like daddy

Zach. If I am big like daddy I will be too old to go to school. Mom?

Me. Yes Zachary

Zach. (crying again) I do not want to go to school. Please don't make me go.

So we pull into the parking lot and he says, "I do not want you walking me up, just leave me here and I will find my way... Of course I walked him to class. He's only five :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Five already

Zachary started kindergarten on Wednesday :( I can not believe how quickly he is growing up. I hope he likes kindergarten more than he liked Pre-K.

All grown up

I can not believe that Katelyn is in 10th grade now. It seems like just yesterday we were taking her to Kindergarten. She will be driving in less than 11 months and she's off to Emory in less than 3 years. It's so strange that she is reaching so many "grown-up" mile stones.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Long time since I have written

The semester consumed me and I haven't had a whole lot of time to write. My dog is a live:) Hubby left for Iraq almost two weeks ago. Only four finals left out of seven. The semester is almost over!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My dog might be dying

He has been limping around for a while now, but we think he's going blind as well. We've had him for over six years, and he's gone through a lot with us, so I will be really sad when he dies.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year

It's a New Year and we are looking forward to the positive things it has to offer our family.